Thursday, July 14, 2011

xCPPS + Rile5 Forms

Hello all

I'd like to notify you all that xCPPS(2) will be out within the next few days and can be found at

xCPPS is being created by security enthusiast,general adventurer, JSDev administrator and general cool guy Alex and some of the typical JSDev kids 

xCPPS was an old (and very successful) CPPS but Alex and Stanley decided to close it a few  months back. They are now reincarnating it so stay tuned 

Also I suggest you users all join Rile5‘s (Riley/Rile5 created the #1 trainer for CPPSes and used to create trainers for Club Penguin itself. He's well known around all in the (CPPS community) forums. You can get CPPS support,sources and the rest of that malarky here, as well as general discussion and the such

The link is:

Happy posting and I hope you enjoy the CPPS on it's release


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